Monday, April 26, 2010

EDM final

This semester has been quite a stressful one, but I have learned so much about technology from this EDM class. I am your typical internet user, I surf the web, facebook, myspace, and itunes. I have never really been a computer person but understanding new technologies is important being that I will be a teacher in less than two years. Which brings me to my next topic, blogging. Blogging is also new to me this semester. I had heard of it before, like on the Twix commercial, but never participated. I won’t lie it is a pain in my rear end to have to write a blog every single Sunday, but then again it is a chance to learn something new and pass it on to my future students. Most of the stuff we covered this semester I had heard of or had participated in. My PLN consist of facebook, itunesU, myspace, skpye, blogging…just to name a few. I also did my comments4terachers and comments4kids. It is a great place for really anyone top visit. You can get a feel for what is going on in classrooms around the world. I had seen Google Earth previous to my EDM class, because my father has a mild obsession with looking at our house from a far-away distance. Delicious though was a new experience for me as was, ACCESS. For one of my other classes I was asked to use ALEX so I was aware of how it worked and tied into ACCESS.
Speaking on the topic of future schools I can honestly say I do not think that technology will completely take over, and teacher’s burn out. Students will always have a need for a one-on-one connection, and so as technology advances it is every teacher’s job to be up to speed on what is in and what isn’t. My technological journey has definitely expanded from being in EDM310. Though I wouldn’t have considered myself technologically insufficient I have expanded my horizons and have taken a technological jump, and crossed over to the other side. I range more in the medium technologically literate. I think everyone can always learn more, and be educated daily but I have honestly learned so much from this class. I think that everything I will take from this class will better my technological learning process; I will be using most of these systems in the near future. I wouldn’t say EDM excited me, because hey it is still school but I was intellectually challenged throughout this course. My classmates are probably tired of me asking “HELP ME! I don’t know what I’m doing.” To answer the question of boredom, at times yes and sometimes interesting depending on the topic of conversation. I think the way this course is set up is great! It is pretty much an online course at your own pace; I can even sit and blog at work. So overall EDM 310 was a decent experience, I will maintain what I have learned through my teaching career. Thanks!

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